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Friendship, Dreaming with the Lord, Reflections for Gen Z, Student Ministry, Creativity and so much more. Use the drop-down menu to sort categories and find something good to read!
Am I Recognizable By My Fruit?
Guest Blog Contributor, Lauren Taylor helps remind us to examine the fruit of the Spirit and how we are reflecting the image of Christ. A reminder to weed out the garden of your heart and plant seeds that reflect being a Child of The Most High. A holy and high calling.
Waiting On The Lord, Freedom in Not Knowing & A Peak Into The Move To Nashville
Thoughts on waiting, thoughts on the promises of God and how it is way more about our not knowing in freedom than it is about doing everything as we expected we would.
Even When You Can’t Feel It
Testimony of slow healing, and a reminder that the Lord is moving even when we don’t feel it. I am an emotional, feelings-oriented gal, but they aren’t always trustworthy. A quick encouragement to trust in the Lord more and hope in Him above all else.
Drink Reviews, Coming Back To Life and Having More Fun On The Internet
A personal testimony of being delivered from depression and panic attacks, how the Lord used a question to bring a fresh creative wind back into my life, and how posting something creative on Instagram helped spark joy back into my eyes.
What I am Glad I Did When I Moved to a New City
Moving to a new city as a single gal was intimidating. Making new friends as an adult took work. Here is what I am glad I did when I moved and what I would encourage you to do if you find yourself relocating!
Asbury Revival Reflections
Reflections on revival, choosing faith over skepticism, and how the Lord recaptured my heart last night.
Times of Refreshing
I wonder what it would be like if we actually expected things to be different after repentance